ASHEBORO N.C. (ACME NEWS) – Multiple people across Randolph County got a look at the North Carolina National Guard’s newest model of the Apache Attack Helicopter as it flew over parts of Randolph County last week, as part of a training flight.
Aircraft tracking data, shows that on Thursday, October 19th, 2023, just after 8 p.m., a Boeing AH-64E ‘Apache Guardian’ took off from Raleigh-Durham International Airport. Once airborne the millitary helicopter headed to Randolph County where it flew around an area between Seagrove and Asheboro, near Old State Highway 13, before flying around New Hope Church Rd and the Denton areas before returning to Raleigh-Durham International Airport.
“The NCNG conducts regular flight training to maintain pilot flight hours and proficiency. This way we are ready to answer the call in fulfilling our mission of defending the state and nation,” said Captain Montandon, Media Relations Officer with the North Carolina National Guard in an email.

The 1st Battalion, 130th Aviation Regiment, was the second Army National Guard unit in North Carolina to fly the 6th version of the Apache Helicopter, and at the time, one of only six attack battalions in the U.S. Army, including active and national guard units to fly the new model of the aircraft.
The new AH-64E ‘Version 6’ millitary attack helicopter was delivered in May of this year to the 130th Aviation Regiment, Attack Battalion located in Morrisville.
Manufatured by Boeing, Version 6 is the latest and most advanced model of the Apache equipped with the latest communications equipment, sensors, navigation equipment, and weapon systems and comes with a $40 million price tag. For that price, the Army recivied key upgrades including an improved radar systems that allows for tracking of smaller targets and enhanced network capabilities allow it to facilitate real-time data sharing with other military assets
Randolph County is no stranger to military helicopter traffic. The U.S. Army’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, based out of Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) organizes Robin Sage, a final exercise that is part of the Special Forces Qualification Course training. South of Randolph County is also Alert Area 531, a large special use air space, designated for military training, south of Asheboro, directly east of Stanley County and Baden Lake.