ASHEBORO N.C. (ACME NEWS) – Earlier this week the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) confirmed they had opened an investigation into allegations of misconduct made against Randolph County Sheriff Greg Seabolt.
The investigation was requested on May 5th by Randolph County District Attorney Andy Gregson. Gregson said he received complaints that Sherriff Seabolt was using a county-issued vehicle to haul campaign signs. One of those complaints was filed by former candidate for Randolph County Sheriff Erick Hicks. The Randolph County Board of Elections confirmed that Mr. Hicks is one of four individuals who have opened candidate committees in preparation for the 2022 Randolph County Sheriff’s Office race
Photos shared with Acme News by Mr. Hicks shows a county owned vehicle, assigned to Sherriff Seabolt, parked at the Sherriff’s office on McDowell Rd. A trailer attached to that vehicle contained at least two signs for Sherriff Seabolt’s re-election campaign.

Randolph News Now was not able to independently verify that the photos were taken on May 4th. 2021, however, our investigation showed the photos did not appear to have been altered, and appeared authentic.
In an e-mail to Acme News, Mr. Hicks said: “It came to my attention by staff of the Randolph County Sheriff Office the Sheriff was misusing assets such as his vehicle that is soley provided by the taxpayers of Randolph County. Our citizens are entrusted to believe in their elected officials and their ability to be entrusted as well with the equipment provided to those elected. It is a terrible circumstance when this trust is violated repeatedly”. Hicks went on to say the incident was “clearly a violation of the law.”
In an interview with The High Point Enterprise on May 20th, Sherriff Seabolt told a reporter that the signs were out of date, damaged, or faded and were taken to the dump and destroyed. The current Sherriff called the situation a misunderstanding and said the accusations had no merit.
Once the investigation is complete, the SBI will submit its findings back to Randolph County District Attorney’s Office for review to determine if any charges will be filed. When we reached out for comment Sheriff Seabolt told Acme News that he would have a statement after the conclusion of the SBI investigation.